As solar energy continues to become more pervasive across society, being adopted on a wider scope at both the consumer and industrial levels, its uses and users expand by the day. In a convergence of cutting-edge solar technology and an innovative, boundary-pushing company, Google has recently announced its plans to
power a new data center in the Netherlands exclusively with the electricity harnessed by a local Dutch solar farm.
By partnering with Eneco, a prominent energy provider in the Netherlands, Google will be using a clean, renewable source of unlimited energy for at least the coming decade. The new data center, housing thousands of servers to extend Google’s reach into the European marketplace, is innovative in every sense of the word, from the center’s physical design to its adoption of clean energy.
The Dutch data center is a part of
the company’s commitment to drive its many different facets of operations exclusively on renewable energies by the end of 2017. To that end, Google is currently the world’s largest corporate buyer of renewable energy, now reaching 2.6 gigawatts of total renewable power between wind and solar energy providers.
Project Sunroof
Google’s push for renewable energy, solar in particular, is also well-represented by one of the company’s most environmentally-minded ventures,
Project Sunroof. With Project Sunroof, consumers, neighborhoods and municipalities can find the most effective and efficient places to place solar panels, optimizing the layout according to historical sunlight measures, average cloud cover and even roof angles. One of Project Sunroof’s newest features even allows users to see which homes and commercial buildings
already have solar paneling in their area, also providing an estimate on energy savings if panels were added to an individual property.
Golden Solar, we applaud innovative companies like Google for making a tangible effort to use renewable energy. Between their partnerships with solar energy providers throughout the world, much like their data center in the Netherlands, and applications like Project Sunroof, Google is setting a great example of what corporations can do to improve our environment with clean, cost effective solar energy. Building on our significant expertise in the solar industry,
Golden Solar can provide the same clean, budget-friendly solar solutions for your residential or corporate energy needs.
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Google Powers New Dutch Facility with Solar appeared first on
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