---- Power everything with Powerwall 3 ---

Affordable, whole home back-up solution offering uninterrupted power and better battery performance for increased savings and lower electricity rates.

Better Outage Protection
• One single unit can seamlessly back up your entire home
when an outage occurs
• PW3 stores more energy for increased protection against
power outages
• Powerwall provides seamless transitions to backup when
grid connection is interrupted
• Storm Watch monitors weather data and automatically charges
Powerwall if a severe weather event is in the forecast

EV Integration
• Charge on Solar - Use excess solar generated to ‘drive on sunshine’
• Off-grid charging - Charge your vehicle from solar, even while
the grid is down
• Powershare - Extend backup duration and shift energy between
your vehicle and Powerwall to meet your needs

Low Cost by Design/More Savings
• Integrated inverter and controls require fewer parts for simpler
and faster installs
• Effortless battery expansion, now or later, with plug and play
energy additions
• Solar energy is captured more efficiently with the integrated
inverter because it offers built-in power conversion
• Analyzes historical energy use data and forecasts weather
and energy to optimize energy usage

Most Durable/Reliable
• Engineered to perform at high elevation, humidity and over
a large temperature range
• Intelligently controls its temperature for optimal performance
even in the coldest temps
• Flood resistant and submergible up to 28 inches

Track and Control your Tesla Ecosystem from the App.

The Tesla App interface is the main hub to control and track the whole system healh and performance. 

---- Incentives, Rebates & Credits ----

30% Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
  • This involves the whole project, including solar, upgrades to smart panels (i.e. SPANs), etc
10% CO State Storage Credit 
  • This credit applies to the battery portion of the project
Xcel Energy Battery Connect Rebate for Powerwall 3s
  • The rebate is for those customers participating under the battery connect program.
  • The Powerwall 3 is eligible for an Xcel rebate of up to $5,000
Fort Collins Utility DER Incentives
  • Solar PV Panels ---> $200/kW-DC, up to $1,000 max.
  • Battery Storage ---> $150/kWh capacity, up to $3,000 max.

    Many variables come into play when pricing a system like:

    • Location of Powerwalls 
    • Distance between Powerwalls and Main Service/Electric Meter
    • Type of service (i.e. 200A or 400A)
    • Etc

    Please visit our Powerwall 3 estimator for a 'ballpark' price: https://goldensolar.net/tesla/tesla-powerwall/tesla-powerwall3-estimator/

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