If you are considering adding solar, Tesla Solar Roof  can be an excellent addition                                                                                                                                                                              to any residential home in Denver. Tesla Solar Roof re-shapes the way we do solar while upgrading                                                                                                                                        to a best in class roof, offering a high fire, wind and hail rating. Having the ability of producing                                                                                                                                                  energy without hindering aesthetics nor functionality is why you go with a Tesla Solar Roof.

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Why Tesla Solar Roof ...

As a premium roofing and solar solution, Tesla Solar Roof delivers one of the highest ratings in the industry, including but not limited to:

  • Class A Fire Rating (Highest)
  • Class F Wind Rating (Highest)
  • Class 3 Hail Rating
  • 25-year PV/Glass Tile warranty

Beyond the ratings, at the end of the day, the Tesla Solar Roof is an intgerated energy system that when paired with Tesla Powerwall you can create a true relisient solution that will power your home with or without the grid present.

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