Month: January 2015

Globally, solar power demand is expected to double every couple of years until 2022. Why? Renewable energies like solar panels  enable individuals to produce their own energy, decreasing their utility costs and saving them money in the long term. As prices continue to fall and technologies continue to advance, solar demand will only increase over the next several decades. There are now 4 major ways to use solar energy, each with its own list of pros and cons. Understanding these various ways enables individuals, businesses and organizations to choose the type of solar energy that best suits their needs.
  1. Solar panels

Solar panels, or photovoltaic modules, are the most commonly used technology to harvest the power of the sun. They work by utilizing the sun’s rays to energize electrons on their surface. These electrons are then transferred to a semiconductor where they can be extracted into an electrical circuit. When this process occurs, the optical energy of the sun is turned into electricity, which can be used to power the world. The simplicity of installing a solar panel system is the driving force behind their popularity. Once installed, they will produce a constant stream of energy as long as the solar panels are receiving direct sunlight. Even on cloudy days they will produce electricity, albeit a smaller amount. Storage cells and various batteries exist so businesses and residences with solar panels can store energy on sunnier days for use on cloudier days.
  1. Biofuels

Biofuels are another common way people are using the power of the sun to create energy. Plants use the process of photosynthesis to turn the sun’s energy into tangible byproducts, i.e. oxygen, glucose, and plant matter. These byproducts can be used to power items people need. The most commonly known form of biofuel is ethanol, a byproduct of corn that is used to power cars.
  1. Artificial photosynthesis

The downside of biofuels and natural photosynthesis is that they have a low energy conversion rate. Although the plants are using a huge amount of energy from the sun, their byproducts represent a much smaller amount of energy. Artificial photosynthesis looks to address this issue by converting sunlight into chemical fuels that have a much higher energy conversion rate.
  1. Solar thermal

Solar thermal is quickly becoming one of the most common ways people harness the power of the sun to generate electricity. Solar thermal is achieved by creating an array of mirrors that are angled to direct the sun’s rays to one point. This directed sunlight is then used to heat water, which boils and spins a turbine to generate a great amount of electricity. This is essentially the same process as coal electricity production, but the coal is being replaced by clean solar energy. Solar thermal is commonly used to produce electricity for large-scale utilities.
Solar energy is quickly becoming one of the most talked about forms of renewable energy.   The benefits of installing solar panels is quite evident and there are many consumers looking to make the switch.   But where to begin?  How do you know what kind of solar panels work best for your property?  To answer these questions, you must first educate yourself on the different types of solar panels are on the market today. Everyone who intends to install solar panels to generate electricity should know the main types of panels available. This knowledge will make panel selection easier and faster. Here is a brief description of the three major types of solar panels on the market.
  1. Mono crystalline

These solar panels are made from single-crystalline silicon (or monocrystalline silicon) solar cells. You can recognize them easily because they have the same black color with a uniform appearance. Monocrystalline solar cells are produced from cylindrically shaped silicon ingots. To maximize the performance of each solar cell, the four edges of the ingots are cut out. This is what gives the monocrystalline panels their unique look with typical black and white sections. The white sections are produced by the intersection of the rounded edges. Some of the major advantages of monocrystalline panels are: * Efficient Electricity Generation. These panels are made from the best grade of silicon so they produce electricity at 15 to 20 percent efficiency. * High Space Efficiency. Due to the higher amount of electricity generated by these panels, they require a smaller amount of space than other types. * Long Lifespan. These panels last the longest; usually they work for close to 50 years. That is why manufacturers place a 20 – 25 year warranty on their monocrystalline panels. However, monocrystalline panels have a few disadvantages. First, they cost more to produce than other types of panels. This is why some homeowners consider their prices to be relatively exorbitant for their residential solar energy projects. Also, the production process for these panels requires more energy. The edges that are cut off lead to more waste. In addition, these panels are fragile. Hence, great care must be taken when transporting or installing them.
  1. Polycrystalline

Polycrystalline solar panels are made of multiple silicon crystals. These crystals are not all perfectly aligned to each other. Thus, there are losses at the joints resulting in less efficient electricity generation. Some of the advantages of polycrystalline panels include: * Lower cost of production. Less energy and materials are wasted during production. * Lower prices. They are cheaper than monocrystalline panels with the same rating. * They perform better at lower temperatures. One of the major demerits of polycrystalline panels is their lower efficiency. Typically, these panels attain an efficiency rating of 13 – 16 percent. This leads to another drawback – lower space efficiency. To produce a similar quantity of electric power as a monocrystalline panel, you will need to install a larger polycrystalline panel on your roof.
  1. Thin-film

Thin-film panels are produced by depositing several layers of thin photovoltaic material into a substrate. Four different types of materials have been successfully deposited into a substrate. These include: organic photovoltaic cells, copper indium selenide, cadmium telluride, and amorphous silicon. Thin film panels are also commonly called amorphous silicon panels. These panels offer the lowest efficiency but they are the cheapest to produce. Currently, they provide an efficiency of between 7 to 13 percent. But research and improved production processes are expected to boost their efficiency to between 10 to 16 percent. The flexibility of thin-film panels makes it easy to incorporate them into so many applications and devices. The two major considerations that influence a homeowner’s choice of solar panels are space and cost. The crystalline panels are more cost effective where there is limited space while the thin film panels may be more suitable for those who have more space and want to get the most electricity at the least cost. However, the actual quality and efficiency of various panels can only be determined with the help of professional solar panel installers.
In recent years, there has been a major push to increase our production of solar power.  It is touted as the cleanest and most constant source of power. But there has been some backlash based on a series of myths.   Below we will identify some of the most common misconceptions, dispute them and share some fun facts about solar power. Myth #1.  Solar panels in residential areas are too expensive. Not true, in fact most states offer Solar tax credits and incentives making these systems very affordable to install and maintain.  Leaving you with little dependency of getting your energy from the grid.   In some cases, solar panels may even eliminate your energy bill, saving you even more money. Myth #2.  It does not work on cloudy days. The truth?  On cloudy days the panels just absorb less energy than it normally would,  which is why you need a storage cell. This is where the energy you collect and do not use can be easily stored for when you need it. Myth #3.  It is an inefficient source of energy.  This is just false. Solar energy is very efficient, in fact it is self-sufficient.  As long as the sun continues to shine there is power to be produced.

Not convinced solar energy is for you?  Take a look at some of these mind-blowing facts.

Fun Fact #1- Did you know that by installing solar panels in your Colorado home can lower  water bills by more than 50% each year in a home. Fun Fact #2- According to the Department of Energy, over the last 30 years the price of photovoltaic solar panels has dropped 200% . Fun Fact #3-  Solar power offers a sense of control and reliable source of energy.  In many cases, conditions around the world are optimum for solar power and could protect people from losing power. Fun Fact #4-  According to a study done by the United States Department Of Energy, installing solar panels on the roofs for California’s city and county buildings could result in the generation of  200 megawatts of clean energy. In fact, if California installed solar panels on every commercial and industrial roof, it could produce enough electricity needed to power the entire state . Fun Fact #5- Today, Germany is the only country that is making the best use of solar energy.  Despite the climate, Germany has made great strides in the realm of solar energy. Fun Fact #6- Did you know that you only need about 8 minutes of solar energy to travel from the sun to the earth. For more information on how Golden Solar can help you achieve energy independence, contact us today!
With the price and demand for energy continuing to rise, many experts in the field are searching for a way to address this issue.  For many this means finding a way to implement alternative forms of renewable energy to fill in the gaps left by the traditional methods of coal, oil and natural gas.  One of the more promising alternative energy initiatives has been in solar energy.

What is solar energy?

Solar energy refers to the massive amounts of energy the sun has produced for billions of years. The sun is the most important source of energy for all life force and since the sun is always producing said energy it is the ultimate renewable source.  Since the sun does not produce any pollutants it is one of the cleanest forms of energy. The potential of solar energy is quickly becoming a major talking point as many businesses and consumers begin to recognize the benefits of installing solar panels.

Why solar panels?

Traditional methods of energy require consumers to be completely dependent on the grid.  Which leaves them at the mercy of the energy companies, leaving consumers to suffer under rate hikes and inconsistent pricing structure the utility companies offer.  Solar panels offer consumers a better, more affordable alternative to energy production.  A well designed and expertly installed solar panel system can offer consumers solar incentive payments, and net big energy cost savings. As stated before solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of renewable energy available, solar panels do not produce any pollutants or waste when converting solar rays into energy. Because solar panels reduce consumers reliance on other energy sources, like fossil fuels, they have the ability to make an even larger impact on our efforts to reduce pollution and harmful CO2 emissions. Created from non-toxic materials, solar electric silicon panels are affordable, easy to install and require very little maintenance.  Their only limitation is they cannot be used at night, and the amount of sunlight received varies based on location, time of day/year and the weather. In addition, consumers who invest in the installation of solar panels can take part in the various solar tax credits and utility incentives making it a much more affordable option.   Some states even offer consumers net metering payments, allowing consumers to earn energy credits or even cash for any excess electricity produced. Solar panels offer consumers the opportunity to benefit from the most sustainable renewable energy source available, and  increase their property value.  For more information on how solar panels can help you release yourself from the dependency of the grid, visit today.
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